How to Write an Essay

Essays are the most popular assignments given to students around the world. As such, these are often the most dreaded and frustrating tasks. It’s not strange whatsoever – with so many types of essays, different instructions and millions of topics, everyone can start wishing for essay writing help.

You can’t just go to people and ask them: ‘Could you write essay for me?’ At times, they won’t be able to do that because of their own assignments. At other times, they won’t be able to because of the task complexity.

Your best choice is obviously an essay writing expert. But, even if we help you find essay writer for you, you’d still have to learn how to write your essays, sooner or later. Essay writing help is hard to find but once you do, you can use it regularly. However, those skills you will learn by reading good essays and doing your own research will serve you for years to come.

So, how do you write your essays like a pro? Those great papers by essay writing help services should tell you what an essay should look like, but you must also learn some general rules and tips that’ll guide you toward the right direction.

For starters, let’s discuss the structure of an essay.

Essay Writing Structure

Before you start the writing process of any type of essay or topic, you need to set a strategy and structure. Generally speaking, every essay you are assigned has to comply with one basic structure:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

How you handle this structure and what you include in each part will depend on the instructions, essay type and topic, and of course, your academic level.

For example, classification essays require you to organize your paper into groups. In this paper, you start with general group and narrow it down to the more specific ones. Compare and contrast essays require a completely different approach. In this type of essay, you use the body paragraphs to describe differences or similarities (or both) between an introduced concept and idea.

These are just two out of dozens essay types you might be assigned. Therefore, before you determine the way to organize the general structure, you need to first determine the strategy and goal.

How to Write an Essay Introduction

Essay writing starts with the introduction. In our tips below, you will find that some prefer to write the introduction at the very end. Regardless of your choice, the introduction takes the first spot in the essay, before any other part and paragraph.

The introduction carries the biggest burden because of its position. Since it is at the first position of the essay, it has to convince and interest the reader. With an unsuccessfully crafted introduction, your essay might not be read at all!

This makes it extremely easy. Many students get stuck from the very beginning, fearing that their introduction won’t make the paper look appealing. Below are great tips that will make this process a bit less daunting and help you write your essay like it would be done by an essay writer for you.

Don’t make it too broad

An introduction should be broader than the remaining of the paper. In most cases, you’ll want to introduce a general topic and go into detail in the body paragraphs for best effect. However, many students make the mistake of making their introduction too broad.

If you make it too broad, the reader won’t get a sense of where you are going with the essay or what to expect from it. Therefore, make the introduction broad, but make sure you remain on topic.

Provide background

Any introduction needs to include some background to inform the reader about the essay topic. Depending on how much your audience already know, provide the general and key background information they need to understand what the paper is all about.

When doing so, don’t begin the key argument. Simply introduce the idea or concept you want to discuss, and leave the evidence for later. Every proof or evidence you use to make the argument belongs in a separate body paragraph.

Provide a thesis statement

The main argument usually goes in the middle or toward the end of the introduction. Write a great thesis statement – a single sentence that combines the key information about the topic in a way that is understandable and concise for the reader.

Avoid clichés

Some introductions brought a lot of success to writers before, but they simply won’t work now. Many students look at examples and use the exact same ideas that’s been used over and over again. Readers are tired of these and won’t like your essay because of it.

Be convincing

Good introductions provide the readers with information – an overview of the topic and the thesis. However, they are also engaging and inviting, so don’t be afraid to introduce a hook that raises the interest in the reader. Be concise, engaging, and brief.

Essay Writing Tips

Are you wondering how writers manage to do a great job when you ask them ‘please write my essay?’ There are many tricks they use to do this and by reading this article, you can learn some of them, too.

To teach you how to write an essay and stop wondering ‘who can write essay for me?’ we made a step-by-step guide with some tips that can be applied to any essay you are assigned.

Step 1: Choose an interesting and researchable topic

Don’t just go and choose any topic that appears in the search engines when you write ‘on what topic should I write my essay’? There are many popular topics, but being popular also makes them researched one too many times. If you don’t have anything new or interesting to say about a highly popular topic, it is best to choose one that is less researched.

Your topic is your opportunity to shine. If you aren’t given a topic or list to choose from, think carefully about the topic you want to pursue. Do you want it to be a general overview or specific analysis of the subject? Narrow the focus as much as you can, but make sure it remains researchable.

The more you like your topic, the better you can write it. Select a topic you have interest in researching and go with it. This should keep you interested and motivated.

Step 2: Make an outline or a diagram

It is essential to organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. If you don’t, you will make a rumble out of your paper and won’t be able to find the end of it.

Use a diagram or an outline to jot down every idea and source you are planning to use. Make some general organization before you start writing to keep you in track and prevent you from losing focus.

Step 3: Write a thesis statement

Now that you have the topic and the outline, it is time to write that thesis statement we mentioned. You can do this while or before you write your introduction. When you have it ready, you already have the most important portion of the introduction.

The thesis statement should consist of two parts – one that states a topic and other that states a point of the essay.

Step 4: Write the body/ introduction

Choose the order you will use to write your paper. You can either start with the body paragraphs or the introduction. Your outline will help you organize all those ideas into the body paragraphs, and you can use the thesis statement to write an inviting introduction.

Use separate paragraphs for each evidence or proof that supports your argument, or each idea you are discussing. Link the paragraphs to keep the essay flow going.

Step 5: Write the conclusion

The conclusion is the ending part of your paper. This is the part where you sum up everything you wrote, so don’t introduce new things in it. Ideally, an essay introduction consists of three to five good sentences that reinforce the introduced and discussed thesis.

Step 6: Add the finishing touches

Thinking that your job ends with the conclusion is a terrible mistake. After you write your conclusion, you need to polish the essay.

Pay attention to the big details and move to the small ones when you are done. Check the paragraph order. Make sure all sources are referenced properly. Check the dates and quotes. Look for grammar, vocabulary and punctuation errors.

Finally, read the paper you wrote and proofread. Change instances that don’t make sense and remove the unnecessary. When your paper sounds and looks great, you have written an excellent essay.

Are you tired of asking people ‘help me write my essay’? You can always ask for professional help, but try to learn how to do this in the process. Quality essays are the best way to learn from, but you should also practice these tips to improve your essay writing skills.

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